Saturday morning, at about 5:45 am, I set out for a 9 mile run. It was the coldest morning of the season, but for some reason that just invigorates me more. It definitely keeps me moving! I had decided the night before to run a different route. I had done this route with my sister during a few of our long runs this summer, but I'd never run it alone (well, I always have my trusty dingo-dog with me). I tend to run along fairly busy streets, just to keep the other dog-walkers out of our way. Of course, at 6:00am with temperatures in the 20's, I didn't have to worry about that. The route was pretty well lit with overhead street lights and the coldness and quiteness gave me a sense of peace. I was really enjoying my run. Until I noticed a man walking out of a neighborhood, screaming into his cell phone. I had my iPod playing and I could still hear him over the music. He was across the street (a 4-lane road) from me. I quickly looked him over....fairly young, jeans, plaid button-down shirt, blonde hair. No coat, no gloves, no hat. Defnitely not prepared for a stroll in the cold. The dingo barely gave him a second glance, which is unusual for him. Usually he's Cap-i-tain Cautious, barking at anything that moves. So I kept running, faster and faster. Splits for the 2 miles that I was on that road were under 9 minute miles. I was scared. I immediately think the worst in scenarios like this. Rapist or serial killer usually top my list. I never turned around to see where the guy went or if he was even following me. I didn't want to know. I just wanted to keep running until I felt more secure (a lighted shopping center, gas station, etc). Unfortunately this stretch of road was 1) the darkest part of my whole route and 2) home to a large, vacant, factory/plant. I prayed the entire time for God to keep me safe. I rejoiced when cars would drive by. I was just hoping there was a guardian angel in one of those cars, who would keep this guy from hurting me. My mind was racing in the quiet darkness. I began thinking about what I would do if a car (now or sometime else) drove by and tried to abduct me. What would I do? I don't carry anything valuable on me when running (besides my iPod and watch). I'd have nothing to "barter" with, you know. It was a pretty sobering thought. I'd essentially be defenseless. So back to the present situation and I realized I should probably change my intended route. I was suppose to do a couple mile lap repeats around a city park/lake. Parts of the lake path are not well-lit and border upon the aforementioned vacant factory. I didn't think that sounded too safe, so I started to consider an alternate route. Upon turning into the park, I come across another man (dressed more appropriately for the weather in a hooded sweatshirt, but still odd to see walking at 6:30 in the pitch black morning). I was afraid I was over-reacting to the first guy, but after seeing the second creepy guy, I knew I had to change my route. I sped up faster and faster and went on my way. About 7:00am the sun started peeking out and I immediately felt safer. My mind was still buzzing about the preceding events, until I found a scenario that I could accept. My conclusion....the first guy had probably just snuck out of some chick's house after a one-night stand. The good old Walk of Shame. That's got to be it, right?! I can't really accept what could have happened or any other scenario for that matter. It would keep me from running, indefinitely!
So in light of Saturday's events, I've decided to take a couple of safety measures. 1) I'll always leave my route up on the computer (oddly enough, I had done that on Saturday) for hubby. 2) I need to find a way to take my cell phone with matter what. Guess I'll be wearing my SPI belt all the time. 3) I need to get some pepper spray to carry. Now that I'll be wearing my SPI belt, I'll have a place to put it. I've made excuses for way too long about safety precautions. Saturday's adventure was a wake up call....even if it was just some poor guy's Walk of Shame.
Managing Hydration When You Are a Runner
4 years ago