Sunday, October 10, 2010

One week and counting...

I honestly don't know where the last 15 weeks went?  Between injury issues and the start of school, this training cycle has been a blur.  The good news is that I'm feeling GOOD and ready to run my next marathon.....a week from today.  Yeah...that nervous anxiety has already set in.  Watching/reading about Chicago today didn't help.  I have 2 more runs to get through this week.  It's always at this point in my training cycle that I pray for my safety and health.  I run really early in the morning and often my routes are not well-lit.  I worry about tripping over a leaf-covered sidewalk crack or a half eaten nut from a squirrel.  Then there's the stomach flu and runny noses going around.  My kids are now routinely doused in hand sanitizer.  Yes, I'm that selfish.

Despite all the worry, I can't wait for M-day.  I feel prepared and strong.  I feel ready to take on my next 26.2 miles.  I've signed up to run with the 4:30 pace group.  All of my training runs for the past 3 weeks have been under 10:00 min/mile.  My 22-miler (3 weeks ago) was done at a 9:56/mile pace.  Of course that doesn't include water/GU breaks (and I took 3). My last speed work out, I did 10 Yasso 800's with an average time of 4:15.  I'm not sure how that will all work out on race day, but it's worth a shot.  If I'm not feeling it on race day, I'll drop back.  While it would be nice to have a group to run with, I have the confidence to run the race by myself.

Of course the real issue of concern, is the wardrobe.  I absolutely despise running with a belt (although I've done it many times before). So that means I have to run in my SkirtSport running skirt.  It's taken me on all my long runs, so I know it will do fine.  With predicted temps of  mid-40's in the morning, mid-60's in the afternoon, I don't think it would be smart to wear long sleeves.  Of course that's what I had planned (bright yellow/green so hubby could find me!). So, I'm back to the drawing board.  My new shoes are dark gray/green, and if you read my marathon recap last time, you know I'm all about being matchy-matchy.  Well, I'm not as anal this time around and honestly, I just want to be comfortable.  You can be assured that my hair ribbon/bow will match, though!

So this week I will tie up a few loose ends.  I need to re-calibrate my Garmin, figure out my wardrobe issues, fine tune my playlist, and try to relax.  The whole family is coming with me to Columbus, which is sure to add a little extra stress, but maybe more cheers and smiles at the finish line.  We'll see if they make it that long!  Asking a 5 year old and 3 year old to do anything for 4 1/2 hours, especially wait around outside, is asking a lot!   In any case, I'm ready to get this show on the road!  Until next time ~ Embrace Your Pace and Run Happy ~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


kizzy said...

Looks like you have plenty of things to figure out...Good luck.
salomon shoes


You are going to do great! Good luck!